
Zach Holman

Zach Holman

Zach Holman is a developer living in San Francisco. He joined GitHub in 2010 as one of their first engineering hires, and helped build and grow their product and culture over five years. Currently he’s the founder and CEO of During, a new calendar to help you during your day. He also advises startups, including GitLab and Dockbit.

Robert Mosolgo

Robert Mosolgo

Robert is a Ruby developer at GitHub, focused on the GraphQL API. In his free time, he likes spending time with his family, reading about programming language design, and doing upholstery projects.

Nick Sutterer

Nick Sutterer

Whenever Open-Source meets deep and profound debates about architecting software, and there's free beers involved, Nick Sutterer must be just around the corner. Say "Hi!" to him, he loves people.

Gabriela Luhova

Gabriela Luhova

Rails Girls mentor since 2015. Ruby on Rails developer at Tutuf. Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at the Sofia University graduate. Took part in a lot of conferences as an assistant organizer, because being part of community is giving me motivation and inspiration.

Marko Bogdanović

Marko Bogdanović

Spent last summer crafting RubyBench as a participant of Google Summer of Code. Recently joined guys at the Semaphore CI as a full time Ruby newbie. Most of the non-work time spend on Fruska gora hiking, running or preferably mountain biking.

Dinah Shi

Dinah Shi

University of Waterloo, https://dinahshi.github.io

Dinah is wrapping up her engineering degree at the University of Waterloo. In 2017, she spent four months backpacking around Europe and China while looking for half-decent WIFI connections to power her open-source contributions. For the last few months, she has been building a public API to expose more preloading options in Ruby on Rails.

Vladimir Dementyev

Vladimir Dementyev

Vladimir is a mathematician who found his happiness in programming Ruby and Erlang, contributing to open source and being an Evil Martian. Author of AnyCable, TestProf and many yet unknown ukulele melodies.

Armin Pašalić

Armin Pašalić

solarisBank AG, https://github.com/Krule

Software builder, mostly Ruby and a bit of Go. Passionate about "proper" testing, clean architecture and DDD. Currently busy constructing a distributed software system with the best colleagues ever at solarisBank AG.

Radoslav Stankov

Radoslav Stankov

Product Hunt, https://rstankov.com

Radoslav is a web developer for more than a decade. He believes that frontend and backend are equally important. In the last several years he juggles between Ruby and JavaScript projects. Organizer of <React.NotAConf />. Currently works at Product Hunt.

Serdar Doğruyol

Serdar Doğruyol

Rubyist, Crystal Evangelist, Creator of Kemal – a lightning fast, super simple web framework written in Crystal.

Nynne Just Christoffersen

Nynne Just Christoffersen

Nynne Just Christoffersen is a Copenhagen-based developer with a background in Art and Design History. In her spare time she enjoys her unhealthy obsession with meetup.com. She's the organiser of Rails Girls Copenhagen and the Copenhagen tech book and film club, among many other things.

Piotr Szotkowski

Piotr Szotkowski

Hacker scientist. Assistant professor at Warsaw University of Technology

Sameer Deshmukh

Sameer Deshmukh

Tokyo Insitute of Technology, http://v0dro.in

Sameer is a student and a contributor to the Ruby Science Foundation, where he helps build scientific computation tools in Ruby. He is currently working on Rubex, a new language for easily writing C extensions for the CRuby interpreter. He enjoys spending spare time with friends, books and his bass guitar.